Rumors Spread

Cleo told Gertrude
Gertrude told Hilda
Soon everyone knew
A story that was not true

Living History

We live it daily
A young kid
On the street
May one day change the world
We may never know

Midnight Rooster

As the sun faded
Behind the wooded mountain
A yellow rooster
Walked out of an old red barn
Resting on a post
Most roosters crow at daybreak
But this one did not
He slept all during the day
And crowed all night long
Then the farmer had enough
The rooster became dinner

The Vampire Sings

The vampire sings
Such a lovely song
I hate to see the coming dawn
My heart still feels the ting
The darkness no longer seems gloomy
On the night the vampire sings

Keeping Liberty

Living in a freedom does not always mean life will be easy. In times of hardship if one keeps their liberty they still have hope of reaching the stars.

Thinking Blank (Nonet)

My mind was once filled with great stories
From my home and beyond the stars
Then my thoughts hit a brick wall
And everything went dark
Now I am searching
For something new
Sitting here

A Bat Among Kangaroos #XXIV (THE END)

Tornado Bat flew quickly between the six heads of Sixtus Lew, making the giant very dizzy, until he felt a sharp pain in his right heel. He turned around and realized Mighty Man had pierced him with his sword.  “You have not killed me yet!” Sixtus Lew yelled.

From a distance an army of birdmen appeared and with bows and arrows. After the corpse of Sixtus Lew fell, the ground shook like a great quake. The birdmen cut each head of Sixtus Lew and placed them on polls along The Road To Nowhere.


Banner Over the Banquet Hall

Rarely do I post on this blog, and this is the first time I have posted something nonfiction on this site. This also something I have talked about on social media many times.  I am no prophet, but it is possible that this generation may see the final fall of the United States.

Even if this great nation ceases to exist, the hope found in Christ will still be here. Song of Solomon 2:4 states, He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love. One day Jesus will return and set up his kingdom upon this earth.

Our Founding Fathers were great men with a great vision, but Christ is greater than all of them. He defeated death and will build a nation that evil men cannot destroy. Even with all his greatness, he has a love for mankind. Love is the only reason that mankind is still standing today.

The banquet hall of Christ cannot be touched by the nations of this world, and banner that flies over the banquet hall is love.

A Bat Among Kangaroos #XXIII

Sixtus Lew looked down at Mighty Man and saw he had new horse. “It looks like you have another tasty treat for me today,” laughed the heads of Sixtus.

Mighty Man pulled out his sword.  “Not on this day you evil beast, for today is the last day you breath air.”

The heads of Sixtus Lew even laughed louder. “Do you think you can kill me with that needle in your hand? I might as well eat you too.”

“Your son could not even defend himself against a small creature like me!” Tornado Bat yelled.

Sixtus Lew stopped laughing because he remembered his son had been killed because of Tornado Bat.

A Bat Among Kangaroos #XXII

The news of Titus Lew spread very fast, and Sixtus Lew was filled with rage. He entered The Village of the Birdmen and all six of his heads were shouting. “Where is the one who killed my precious son? Come or I will destroy this village and consume each one of you?”

“I am the one who killed your disgusting son!” Tornado Bat yelled. “Catch me if you can you six headed oaf”

Sixtus Lew was knocking down houses as he chased Tornado Bat, but the flying rodent was just too fast.  The six headed giant found himself On the Road to Nowhere facing Mighty Man.